The life and adventures of Buscon the witty Spaniard.: Put into English by a person of honour. To which is added, the provident knight. By Don Francisco de Quevedo, a Spanish cavalier.
Title The life and adventures of Buscon the witty Spaniard.: Put into English by a person of honour. To which is added, the provident knight. By Don Francisco de Quevedo, a Spanish cavalier.
Author Quevedo, Francisco de, 1580-1645.
Publication London :: Printed by J.M. for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Anchor in the New-Exchange in the lower-walk, 1657.
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"The life and adventures of Buscon the witty Spaniard.: Put into English by a person of honour. To which is added, the provident knight. By Don Francisco de Quevedo, a Spanish cavalier." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 10, 2024. content_copy
- title page
- To his much Honoured Friend T. P.
- Reader.
- Buscon's Extraction, with the Quality of his Father and Mother.
- Buscon is sent to School, and the pleasant adventure which befell him, whilest he was King of the Scholars.
- Buscon becomes Servant to a Scholar, and relateth the Pennance they underwent whilest his Master and himself were in Pen∣sion, wherein he de∣scribeth the Covete∣ousness of a Podant.
- Buscon and his Master be∣ing delivered from the Jawes of Famine, are sent to study at Alcala.
- They arrive at Alcala. Don Diego payes his welcome to the Scholars, and the ri∣diculous entertainment they gave Buscon.
- Buscon's first knaveries, and the fright he put his Land∣lady into, as also an other piece of Roguery.
- Buscon receiveth the news of his Fathers death: He lea∣veth his Master, and changeth his Profession.
- Buscon's departure from Al∣cala towards Segovia; His meeting with two Cox∣combs, with whom he pass'd the time on the way; one was an Engineer, 'tother a Fencer.
- The conceited Extravagancies of a certain Poet whom Buscon overtook going to Madrid.
- Buscon plays the Box with his Poet, and shews him the Or∣dinances against Poets. The Ran-counter he had with a Souldier, pretending a Re∣compence for his services; And of a Hermit who cheat∣ed him at play. Buscon's re∣ception by his Ʋncle.
- Ordinances against the Poets of Bale, The giddy-headed Muses, Mechanical and Hackney Rhimers.
- The kind entertainment which Buscon received from his Ʋncle; The good cheer he made him in his House; and how after he had received his Portion, he left his com∣pany.
- Buscon returns to Madrid, and in the way fals into the company of one Piedescaux, who said he was a Knight of the Order of Industrie.
- The Knight of the Industry relateth the History of his life to Buscon, and possess∣eth him with a great desire to be one of his Order.
- Buscon goeth to Lodge with the Knights of the Industry: The Oeconomy there obser∣ved, and a brangle between two Knights of the Order.
- Buscon being to practice in this Order, snap'd a Cully, and cheated a whore.
- The Prosecution of the Tricks of the Knights of Industry: How they were all imprison∣ed, and Buscon clap'd up with them.
- Buscon's Entertainment in Prison; The Crimes, Mi∣series, and malice of Pri∣soners, the Cruelty and griping Covetousness of Goal∣ers, and other Officers, and at last Buscons delive∣rance.
- Buscon falls in love with his Landlords Daughter, pre∣tendeth to be a Conjurer the better to attain his design, and the mischance which be∣fell him.
- He is delivered from his se∣cond imprisonment: The invention he used to get out of his Lodging without pay∣ing for his diet.
- Buscon gets himself cured; falls very sick: The enter∣tainment his Landlady gave him; of whom he makes a description: He is taken by the Constable for her Gal∣lant: He takes upon him to be a wandring Beggar, by which Trade he gets store of Money: At last he goeth to Toledo.
- Buscon happens into the Com∣pany of certain Players: He falls in love with one of his Comrades Wife; He is almost killed upon the Stage: The Comedians derided; A misfortune which befel them. Buscon turns Poet, and at last renounceth that Trade.
- Buscon contracts a particular friendship with one of the Comedians; they go together unto Seville: He falls in love with a rich Merchants Daughter: They both get themselves admitted into service in the same house: The admirable inventions and tricks which Buscon useth to ingage the young Maid to love him: His Marriage with her, being a very pleasant Story.
- title page
- The daily exercise to be obser∣ved by the Knights of this Order, for the keeping of their money, when any one shall ask of them by way of Gift, which word is of more terror to them then death it self.
- Letters of Sir Parsimonious Thrift.
- Unto a Curtisan, who demanded money of him to pay for her Lodgings.
- To another who refused to play with him be∣cause he had no more money.
- Another Letter on the same subject.
- A pleasant denyal to an importunate Lady of Pleasure.
- He thought he had gotten a Mistris who would not have asked any thing of him, but he is deceived in Tobee.
- He promiseth to live honest that he may save his money.
- He abuseth one who would have had him promise to marry her.
- Unto a Lady of Pleasure, who had deman∣ded money of him to bestow in charitable uses upon the holy week.
- Unto one who desired him to hire a chamber for her to see a Bull-bayting.
- To one that rayl'd on him on company.
- He desireth a Curtisan's charity.
- To one which begg'd of him a Collation.
- A Refusal upon another Request.
- A Curtisans complaint against our Thrifty Knight.
- The Answer.
- In Answer to a Curtisan that desired some New fashioned Dressing of him.