ArcSight SmartConnector Installation and User Guide

The SmartConnector Installation and User guide can be found here .



SmartConnector SmartConnectors Comment List Thanks, Appreciated

New to Arcsight, can you get a free trial copy of Arcsight smart connectors - cant get any response from Arcsight Sales team

Caroline Oest over 3 years ago

But I will double check with the product manager!

OpenText Community Manager
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The index has been updated with the latest version of the guide, click here.

Caroline Oest over 4 years ago

Sent a message to the documentation team, stay tuned.

OpenText Community Manager
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can we have the latest one? 8.0.0?

The doc is outdated. Please update.

This is tagged as 7.13 but it's 7.14. The tag is incorrect.

first of all, you need to have a valid contract with MF for ArcSight products acquired.

Second, the portal where you can download the ArcSight products acquired is:

Once authenticated you need to introduce the SAID or Order Number to be recognized by MF portal and to be able to download the software products.

MacGyver over 5 years ago

Caution: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you have verified this email is legitimate.

The SmartConnectors are available (framework engines and parsers) from the main Software Portal.

For example, you can find them under the ADP Logger download area as one location.


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