M.A. in Analytical Political Economy

The Master's in Analytical Political Economy (MAPE) is a joint master’s program of the Departments of Economics and Political Science, necessitated by a growing interest in political economy and political science among young economists. These fields are converging, and policy economics—particularly macroeconomic and international trade policy—increasingly includes a strong political component.

Political economy examines the reciprocal relationships between politics and markets, both within and among countries, using a variety of analytical tools, including those of economics. Its concerns include interactions among economic and political development; cooperation and conflict among nations, groups, and individuals; the distribution of material resources and political power; the effects of political actors and institutions on economic outcomes; the causes and consequences of technological and structural change, growth, and globalization; and regulation.

The MAPE program offers a quantitatively rigorous curriculum rooted in economic and political theory, application, and analysis. Students have the opportunity to gain experience with economic and mathematical modeling along with a deep understanding of how and why policies are developed and implemented.


Application Information

Application Terms Available: Fall

Priority Review Deadline: January 1

Application Deadline: January 30

Graduate School Application Requirements
See the Application Instructions page for important details about each Graduate School requirement.