Office Cleaning Proposal

For cleaning companies bidding on new projects, our comprehensive Cleaning Bid Proposal Template is a valuable tool. This template enables you to outline the scope of cleaning services required, pricing details, cleaning frequency, and estimated timeline, providing potential clients with a comprehensive understanding of your offerings.

Cover Letter

At [Sender.Company] , we are an office cleaning agency and understand the importance of a tidy workspace. That’s why we do all the scrubbing, dusting, and polishing so you and your employees can focus on the tasks at hand with immaculate office surroundings.

Whether you need our cleaning company's services on-site during office hours or when everyone has left for the day, you can rest assured your workplace will receive the utmost attention to detail.

​ [Sender.Company] was founded on the principles of warm, friendly, efficient service. Our staff knows how to get the job done, and we strive to excel in our field. With our range of services — and some great testimonials for reference — we believe that your needs can be fully met. No office is too big or small for our skilled and experienced staff.

With this commercial cleaning proposal letter, we look forward to a partnership with [Client.Company] , and to keeping your office beautiful and spotless every day.


Use our Proposal Software if you want to win more clients with less efforts and convert leads easier.

About Us

​ [Sender.Company] ’s journey started with a humble beginning, when (Name of CEO) only had (Amount) dollars to their name, and a vision that was bigger than life itself. See, they loved to clean — they found peace in creating a safe and warm environment, like an old-fashioned Marie Kondo.

To them, cleaning was not an activity or a chore. Rather, it was a state of mind, an emotion, a feeling. And they wanted to emulate that feeling toward everyone, so that others, too, could relish in that clean state of mind. To make this vision come to life, (Name of CEO) personally interviews our service partners to see if they identify with the same philosophy of cleaning.

The reason why (Name of CEO) chose to focus on offices and commercial spaces is because we realized that offices, more than other spaces, need a clean, bright, and well-kept atmosphere to function. That said, we often work in residential areas as well.

With over (Number)+ years in the industry, we’re now an acknowledged industry leader, and we’re always looking to move forward in our journey, so that we can share this mission of a clean space with everyone. And, perhaps, who knows, we might have a Netflix series to ourselves one day, just like Marie Kondo!

Meet The Team

Sections like “Meet the Team” make the proposal more personalized, and induce familiarity. They’re also helpful if your prospect wishes to get on a call with your team, because in such situations both parties get to know a little about each other and require less of an “ice breaker” to keep the conversation going later.

(Name of Employee)

(Name of Employee) began their journey into this industry with little capital, but a huge vision. They wanted to provide affordable services to offices, residences, and commercial locations so that a well-kept atmosphere does not become an expensive task for anybody. They carry this philosophy with them wherever they go. (Name of Employee)’s current goal is to reach (Number)+ (Cities or Counties or States) by the end of the year.

(Name of Employee)

(Name of Employee) has been associated with [Sender.Company] ever since its inception. They were the mastermind behind many of the company’s executive decisions, and have always been a beloved member. At the present moment, (Name of Employee) has taken a client-facing role, always ensuring they are well informed of all of our client’s needs —- so that they can deliver on them spotlessly (pun intended).

Once your cleaning proposal is accepted, our Cleaning Service Contract Template is vital for formalizing the client-provider relationship.