Each month state employees earn two types of leave, personal leave and major medical (sick) leave. Employees, including part-time employees, shall be granted leave as provided in Sections 25-3-91 et. seq., 25-9-125, 33-1-19, and 33-1-21, Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated, as amended. Employees begin to earn and accumulate personal and major medical leave on the first working day of each month the employee works or receives paid leave. The personal leave is available for the employee’s use the first day of the month after the leave is earned. The appointing authority cannot increase the amount of personal leave to an employee's credit, and it is unlawful for an appointing authority to grant personal and major medical leave in an amount greater than was earned and accumulated by the employee. Part-time employees are granted leave only during periods when they are scheduled to work. Part-time and temporary employees earn personal and major medical leave on a pro-rate basis.

Personal Leave Accrual Table
Continuous ServiceMonthly Accrual RateAnnual Accrual Rate
1 month to 3 years12 hours18 days
37 months to 8 years14 hours21 days
97 months to 15 years16 hours24 days
Over 15 years18 hours27 days
Medical Leave Accrual Table
Continuous ServiceMonthly Accrual RateAnnual Accrual Rate
1 month to 3 years8 hours12 days
37 months to 8 years7 hours10.5 days
97 months to 15 years6 hours9 days
Over 15 years5 hours7.5 days

Major medical leave may be used for the illness or injury of an employee or member of the employee's immediate family which is defined as spouse, parent, step-parent, sibling, child, step-child, grandchild, grandparent, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law. The employee must remember that major medical leave can be used in this manner only after the employee has used one (1) day of accrued personal or compensatory leave. In the event that an employee has no accrued personal or compensatory leave, the first day of leave must be taken as leave without pay. This is a requirement for each absence due to illness. For each absence due to illness that requires the employee be absent from work for thirty-two (32) consecutive working hours (combined personal, major medical, and compensatory leave), major medical leave can be authorized only when certified in writing by the attending physician. Source: Mississippi State Employee Handbook